Relax with friends for brunch. Serve neighbors at the food truck. The kitchen’s all about shared play and conversation.
Locate all the objects listed below. Look closely! They can be anywhere!
acorns x 6
balloons x 2
baseball mitt
blueberries x 2
broken plates
cake boxes
chef hat
cleaning supplies
coffee kettle
corks x 10
cucumber slice
deflated balloon
dinner triangle
dragon eggs x 8
elephants x 4
fallen herb
Ferris wheel
flies x 2
golden spoons x 6
limes x 2
maple donut
mariachi band
missing shoe
money stash
mushrooms x 5
orange slice
piece of pizza
piggy banks x 4
propellar beanie hat
recycling bins
salt & pepper shakers
silver spoon
​sleeping dragon
spider chef
striped straw
teacup lights x 2
tomato slice
top hats x 2
washer and dryer
waves crashing
Create your own cookbook. Using single sheets of paper, write out the ingredients and directions. Make sure to include a catchy title and draw any pictures. Place each recipe into a plastic cover and collect them in a 3-ring binder so you can easily add more!
Get to know your kitchen. Search online or ask friends and family for recipes that feature each of the green words above. Once you perfect your creations, share them with someone you love.
Spice markets are located throughout the world. They offer fragrant sacks on colorful racks with delicious snacks and more!
Where's the spice market in the Salt & Spoon?
Try to identify the selected spices in the spoons on the table, then put them to use in your next recipe!
Just like you, restaurants get grades! Famous graders are the Michelin Guide, and Zagat. Which grade did the Salt & Spoon receive?
What makes a top-rated kitchen in your home? Use some cardboard as a clipboard and start grading! Remember to taste the food, inspect cleanliness, test customer service and observe the decor!
Make a sign and put it on the fridge when you're finished!
We are a lemon-aid stand. It's important to lend a helping hand. Write a story about a time you helped someone out.
Plants and herbs, need sunlight to grow. With sunpaper, you can use the sun to build your own herbarium!
The rooftop garden in the Salt & Spoon Café was made with brown sugar and flour in a casserole dish, with plant pieces from in and around the house.
Create your own micro garden landscape! Fill a casserole dish with some "sand" and decorate! What silly things might grow in your garden?!
Are there any famous rooftop gardens where you live?
We're the HoneyBees, busy as ever. Create an adventure story with us in the starring role!
You can also garden with REAL food. Ever seen a potato left on a counter for too long? It starts growing little knots at the potato "eyes." Did you know you can turn two potatoes into 30?!
Next time you have potatoes, leave two of them to sit on the counter. Once they start "sprouting," cut each potato into pieces with one sprout per piece. Set them outside for 24 hours to dry. Then plant each piece under 1" of soil.
Once the plant grows to 6" tall, remove the bottom leaves and mound the soil further up the stem. Repeat this process several times.
Once the plant blooms and starts to yellow, it's time to dig! Cut at the base, and dig through the soil. Find all the new potatoes! let them sit out in the sun for 24 hours. And enjoy!
Melissa Lopez (former Head Chef at Bestia in Los Angeles) says salt is the most important ingredient, and a spoon is the most important tool! That's why it's named the Salt & Spoon Café!
Did you know there's one silver spoon in the entire café. Can you find it? How many more spoons can you find?
How many salt shakers are there? Hint: Look in the wallpapers too.
Name all the cooking tools on the back of the chairs. Then, create a checklist and see how many of them you have in your own kitchen. Do you have any cooking gadgets not pictured?
Locate the objects listed below. They are somewhere on the legs of the table. Look closely!
coffee mug
fish tail
ice cream
lobster claw
milk cup
oil can
potato chip
watermelon Popsicle
white rose
All 3 legs can assemble with all 3 toppers. And each can go in any of the 3 table slots. There are also 3 ways to attach the table to the café, and from 2 different sides. How many unique ways can you set up the table in the Salt & Spoon Café?
Other than being written in spilled milk (no need for tears!), what do the words on the table have in common?
Did you know every chef brings their own special knives to work? Write your chef name on your Salt & Spoon Café kitchen knife!
Cut out paper toppings for the toasty table. Butter & jam? Avocado & tomato. Make your recipes out of paper!
Puzzle Time! Using the coffee bean illustrations, how quickly can you put together all the table pieces?
I'm MrMrs. Eggplant. If you turn me upside down, my hair becomes a mustache and my bonnet becomes a scarf. Write a funny story about me and my many personalities!
Idiomatic phrases are silly sayings that mean something different than what is actually said. Homonyms are words that sound the same, but mean different things.
How many of them can you find in the walls of the Salt & Spoon Café?
good eggs and bad eggs
way the cookie crumbles
cheeses saying "cheese"
a fridge that's running
cool as a cucumber
home on the range
"mixed" vegetable
one smart cookie
lemonade stand
couch potatoes
breaking bread
pie in the sky
buns in oven
"green peas"
piece of cake
top banana
spilled milk
sugar coat
Artists use many different types of material to create their work. At the Salt & Spoon Café, the chef uses food splatters and cutting boards!
Create some art of your own using various ingredients from the kitchen. In place of a cutting board, use a baking sheet since its edges keep all your "paints" contained.
Outside the Salt & Spoon Café are clues that reveal the address of the actual café. Figure it out and you can send a letter to the chef. If it's correct, you'll get a letter back!
Check out the refrigerator magnets. Organize the letters by color, then rearrange them to spell new words.
Did you know the inventor's initials are on the fridge too?
What other words can you spell?
Find the license plates on the food truck. What do they say?
Can you identify the kitchen silhouettes in the Papel Picado?
Build a pretend food truck at your house where you can serve snacks and refreshments. Make a sign with your restaurant name and display it proudly.
Make some marshmallows for the exhaust of your food truck.
If you need more knives, you can create some more with aluminum foil and cardboard.
Create your own license plate for your food truck. Remember, you can only use a total of 7 letters and numbers combined.
Don't forget to have tunes playing. Everyone loves festive music! And decorations too! Give your food truck some flair with garland, balloons and confetti all around.
You can follow any of these videos to make a chef's hat, or look at the directions below.
Find as many eating utensils as you can throughout the Salt & Spoon Café.
Did you know not every culture uses forks and spoons? What are other types of utensils?
Grab your friends and customize your next tea party.
Use some markers and crayons to color in the blank side of the teacups.
Ooh! Hot noodles! Write a story about the conversation happening on the other side of the brick oven.
Memorize how to pack up the Salt & Spoon. How quickly can you do it?
Turn your kitchen into a real life Salt & Spoon Café by creating a menu for your next dinner.
Draw the name Salt & Spoon Café at the top of your menu, and color it in! Add your delicious recipes, separated by category: appetizer, main course, and most importantly the dessert!
Happy cooking!
DYK: The United States has a different way to measure than almost everywhere else in the world? The U.S. uses "customary units" while the majority of the world uses the "Imperial System."
How are they different?
Lend a helping hand in the kitchen. Follow the diagram to make your own chart that organizes how many of each equals the next.
Then put it on the fridge for easy access!