Build a Hiding Bonnie-Bobbie Bunny!
Find an old T-shirt. Iron it out!
Print this pattern. Lay it on your shirt.
Using a marker, trace the shape onto your shirt.
Draw a face on your bunny!
Cut out the shape through both sides of the t-shirt.
Hand-stitch the blue edges with thread (or dental floss).
Stuff with remaining t-shirt scraps (or actual stuffing).
Hand-stitch the green edge.
Now it's time to play hide-and-seek! Take turns with your friends or family, hiding the bunny somewhere in your home.
It's fun to imagine the voices of the characters in your stories. What does my voice sound like?

At twice the height, it fits the tallest dolls. Slide the trunk back to reveal the secret hideout!
Locate all the objects listed below. Look closely!
acorn x 6
bird's nest
blue flamingo x 6
brown bird
bunny counting
bunny hiding
chimney x 2
crystal knob
flying bird
mouse x 2
mushroom x 9
paintbrush x 2
party squirrel
rocking chair
squirrel house
soccer ball
Once you've found all 6 acorns, solve the following riddle:
We're the acorns, thick as thieves,
Always and forever!
The thing that stands us all apart,
Is what keeps us together.
What is it?

Find out who designed the bentwood rocking chair on the patio. Hint: They worked as a team.
What other famous furniture did they design using their wood-steaming techniques?
Now that you know more about this furniture, be on the lookout. You're likely to see it in some local cafés! You might even find some on sale in your neighborhood.

I'm Bobbie! I love to play hide-and-seek with my best bunny buddy named Bonnie. Write a funny story about us!

Find the corner of the soccer field in the grass. Set up the Treefort on a large surface so you can play your own field games!
With Paper
Place a sheet of paper (11" x 17" or similar) under the Treefort. Grab a marker and extend the lines of the soccer field along the paper.
With Masking Tape (or Similar)
Stretch some masking tape along the tabletop, extending from the soccer field lines.
Build the Props
Create a goal and ball for the game. Use your imagination to make this to-scale for your figurines. Then, use markers or objects to add bushes and lakes to your paper landscape.
What else can your figurines do in the field? Fly kites, have picnics and barbecues, do cartwheels...

The plants growing on the Treefort's rooftop are growing in the front yard of the person who illustrated the tree itself. One is star jasmine. The other is called bougainvillea.
Grab paper and crayons. On a walk through your neighborhood, or around your home, draw the plants and flowers that you find. You can also rub them into your paper with a crayon edge.
When you get home, call some friends, talk to your family, or search the internet as you try to identify the plants you found!
On the roof is a sign. Create your own sign, and hang it on your bedroom door. Where is home for you?
DYK: The curtains from the broken window become waves when the house transforms into the Shipboat!
DYK: The tack holding the rooftop sign is shown to scale.
DYK: The squirrel's hut is yellow with green trim, like Archamelia.
DYK: One flamingo is leaping through the air, like a dancer.
DYK: The button that hangs on the tympanum belongs to the illustrator of "The First Door." What is a "tympanum"?
Why doesn't the light switch on the patio have an "off" setting?
There's a floating party sign near the front door of the house. And there's a "CONGRATS" banner suspended from the tree. Invite your friends and throw a party in the backyard of your Archamelia!

Did you find the key? Tell a story about who swallowed it and why!

Slide the Treefort trunk backward until it latches into place. Your secret hideout is revealed!

Locate all the objects listed below.
walkie-talkie x 2
Casio keyboard
pillow x 4
matchstick x 7
butterfly net
treasure map
fishing pole
bear x 2
firefly light strand
oil lamp
Create a story about why I stand on one leg! Can you stand longer than I?
Welcome to your secret hideout. First thing first, write your name on the welcome mat at the entry to the hideout.
Now, you need a secret handshake, a special knock and a secret password.
Some handshakes use snaps, claps, and taps. You can fist bump, knock, and jazz-hand too. What is your secret handshake?
This is how you know that the person on the other side of the door is on the team. A short pattern of knocks, using rhythm and sound, is all you need. What's yours?!
Think of a word that is easy to remember, but not often used. That will make for a great password. Share with the gang!
There are secret rooms all over the world! Apartments atop the Eiffel Tower, piano ballrooms under the NYC Subway, hidden buildings behind billboards, dance halls on train stations and even a basketball court in the attic of the Supreme Court.
Visit your local library, or use the internet to find and learn more about secret hideouts, handshakes and passwords.

Did you know that the phrase "no lies" in the hideout spells something else when seen from the interior of the house?
Create your own message that spells something new when rotated 180º. Start by writing all letters that become new letters when turned upside down. Try making secret words first, and then create phrases or sentences.
Whose flag is on the flip-flops?
Did you know there are 14 books in the original Oz series? These books inspired the inventor of Archamelia™.
How does a telescopic lens work?
What makes a firefly light up?
Where else does that honey bear appear in Archamelia™?

GRRRR! I'm hungry for honey! I smell some in this tent! Write a story to fill up my appetite!

There's an empty game board without pieces. It can be used for checkers and chess. Build your own!
Cut 8 strips (1" x 8") of construction paper from color A
Cut 8 strips (1" x 8") of construction paper from color B
Glue color A vertically to color B (horizontal)
Glue the remaining color A strips across color B, alternating front and back
Weave in the next 6 color B strips, alternating every time.
Glue the final color B strip to each end as you weave in place.

To play checkers, you need 16 pieces of two different things. You can play pennies against nickels, paper clips against paper crumples, rice grains against popcorn kernels... Use your imagination!
To play chess, you can create your own. It helps remember what they can do when the piece looks like the path that it can travel.

Build a fort in your room just like the one in Archamelia™. You can use windows or lights to create shadow figures against the sheets. Broomsticks can be used as props. Don't forget pillows, blankets and some music!
Make a walkie-talkie with soup cans and string. And learn how sound waves travel at the same time! The trick is to make sure the string is taut, which means it needs to be in a straight line.
When the "sun goes down" in your fort, The Shadow Puppet Theater begins! Here is just one way to do it. Make your own figures to tell your favorite stories!

Your house didn’t fall over, it became a ship! Put your figurines in the deck and set sail!
Locate all the objects listed below!
angelfish x 4
birds x 3
firefly x 6
French bulldog
frog legs
knife x 3
lightning bolt
marble x 2
octopus x 2
seahorse x 5
shark fin
skull/crossbone x 2
whale x 2

Make your own chimney cannon, like the one in Archamelia™. You will need:
Paper roll
2 rubber bands
1 pencil
Cotton Ball Cannonballs!
There are 6 codes hidden on the Shipboat. Find them all, and then figure out what they mean. Once you've cracked the code, consider cracking one open.
How do cannons work? And who invented them? Look online for "fun facts about cannons" to learn more.

Sometimes things become new things when we change our point of view. Point to all the transformations below.
the sheet becomes a sail
the chimney becomes a cannon
the curtains become waves
the fence becomes a ladder
the grass becomes seaweed
the interior sheet becomes a second sail
the interior view is aquatic (submarine looking out)
inside the boat, the bottom has a whale in water!
Look around you. Find something that transforms into something else, with a little bit of your imagination.

Salut! I'm Daisy the Doily Fish. Tell a story using the transforming object that you found!
Turn your pet into a toy! Take, print, and cut out a photo of your pet. Glue it to some cardboard and then cut it out. Now your pet can become a part of your next great story.
Make ocean waves by bunching up a blanket or towel on the floor! Set up the Shipboat on the waves and let your imagination do the rest! Create an island, too, with buried treasures?!
Ever heard of a dinghy?
Make one to accompany Archamelia™.
Like the Shipboat, you can make yours with old pencils. Or consider sugar cubes, Popsicle sticks, Q-tips... use anything you have in excess and let your imagination do the rest.

These pirates use a giant octopus as their emblem. What's their story?

Find the names of several infamous male and female pirates. Draw their pirate emblems on paper. Sometimes, these can be seen on the sails of their ships (which are often famous too!).
What makes a great emblem?
Give yourself a pirate name, and create your emblem.
Then, make a sail for your shipboat. Cut a piece of paper into a triangle, and draw your emblem on both sides. Then, tape the paper to a pencil. And now you have a mast!
Did you know the watermelon can be seen somewhere else on Archamelia's walls. Find it!
Consider this: Open the roof of the house and use it as a loading ramp for the Shipboat. Now you can get all the cargo in and out!
The interior panel can be laid flat to reveal a trap door at the base of the Shipboat. Or it can be a portal for deep-sea divers!
Did you know that the male seahorse gives birth to the baby?
Draw out the lifecycle of the seahorse. Include the seaweed, and show how they hold on with their twisty tails.

Find, then tell the story about the Pirate Frog who fell into the barrel!

Lift the inner panel to create an astro-platform, latch the garage door in place, and 3... 2... 1... Lift off!
Locate all the objects listed below!
Look closely, they can be anywhere!
alien x 4
box x 4
satellite dish
telescope x 2
howling coyote
moon x 2

On the walls of Archamelia™ are these silly expressions. Point each one of them out!
"it's written in the stars"
"shooting star"
"blue moon"
"cow jumps over the moon"
"worm hole"
Now that you've found them, what do they mean anyway?

Guess what! Archamelia™ is illustrated in relation to the sun! Each exterior panel reflects a quality of light from one of 4 times of day. Using clues from shadows, and the temperature of the light, can you match each panel to a time of day?
Treefort + Solar Garden
Garage + Card Roof
Once matched, figure out what direction the front of Archamelia is facing - north, south, east or west.
Learn about how Earth moves around the sun, why there's a "dark side of the moon" and why it's not technically accurate to call it a "sunrise" or a "sunset."

I'm Shiloh, the Sheriff. Write about my latest adventure keeping the universe safe with my best friend, Moonblue!
Find the planets floating in Archamelia™ space. Do they look familiar? They're marbles! Any spherical object can become a planet in your imagination.
Search your home for planets. Use them to build a solar system for your rocket-launching adventure.
By the way, why are planets spherical? Moons too? What if they looked like floating pyramids? Or donut-shaped?! Silly indeed.
How many planets and moons make up our solar system? And what is our solar system called anyway? What's the difference between moons and planets?
Need to remember the planets? Just know "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles!" What does that even mean?!
Invent your own solar system. How many planets are there, and what are they named? Do they have moons? What are your planets made of? Cotton candy? Spiders? The color indigo? And what shape are your planets?
Does anyone or anything inhabit your solar system?
Figure out who lives in the Archamelia™ Apartments? Are they celebrities? What makes them famous?
Take your Archamelia™ rocket for a nighttime flight! All you need is a flashlight! Pack for lift off in your backyard, after the sun has set. Shine the light to guide your path and touch down in foreign lands. What kind of insect-creatures do you discover at night? What are the sounds you hear?
The interior of the platform is a perfect place to stash your dolls and figurines for launch. Imagine them walking through the rocket doors to get ready.
Using objects from around the house, create some billowing smoke and gently tape it to the base of the rocket. The smoke in the stop-motion animation (2m15s) was made with cheesecloth!

There are a bunch of different types of plants. Like deciduous and coniferous. Some plants love the desert, and others live in the water. Learn about plants and how special they are. Can you name the alien plants attacking Archamelia™?
Plants. Weird! How many ways are plants different than people? And in what ways are they the same? Are they actually aliens?
Did you see how Skiddleedoo is surfing on a stolen satellite array? What a scoundrel! Build your own Skiddleedoo and satellite surfboard using objects found around your house.
Yarn, paper clips, cardboard, and pipe cleaners would work. Or even an actual succulent plant! Just make some feet with some construction paper and then tape them, along with some googly eyes, to a little pot! Happy adventures!
We're Sanjay, StarPie and Skiddledeedoo, the sleuthful, succulent scrutinizers. We have more questions than we have answers. In fact, we spend so much time asking questions that we never get anything done! Tell our story?
Did you know the security firm GuarDex is named after Dexter. That's the inventor's dog. You can see Dexter's face pictured somewhere else on Archamelia™. Find Dexter!
Why is the word "GO" placed precisely where it is? HINT: It has to do with something above and below.
The fence for the house becomes a satellite array when it expands into a rocket. What is an array? What do satellites do?
What is the Kuiper belt? Check online, or visit a local library. There are some fascinating objects in the Kuiper belt. How did we discover its existence, if no one has ever been there?
Learn about Galileo Galilei and why he's remembered as the father of astronomy, observation and the scientific method.
Learn about blue shift. This is the phenomenon that helped Galileo discover that some stars weren't stars, but in fact planets! That observation led to the idea of a heliocentric solar system. Why was this controversial at the time?
Identify the rockets hiding behind the Archamelia™ shuttle. HINT: The first word is a moon of Saturn, and the second is a reference to twins.

Fold the interior flap vertically, and latch the wings on the walls. Don't worry, the roof won't shut all the way.
Locate all the objects listed below!
Look closely, they can be anywhere!
ladybug x 4
butterfly x 5
mouse hole
balloon x 10
There's a theme for this facade. It's what the plants, horseshoe, ladybug, butterflies, and penny have in common.
What is it?
Locate the basketball net in the shadow against the front of the house. Use your creativity to build one of your own, using familiar materials from around the house.
With a flashlight, try to set up your DIY hoop where it needs to be in order to cast a matching shadow against the house.
Grab all your dolls and figurines and set up a basketball game in the driveway of your Archamelia™! No need to build a second hoop... just play "half court."
Get with your friends and create a cheerleading squad too. Ra-Ra-Sis-Koom-Bot! We don't ever miss a shot!

Did you know the clay rooftop is from an image of a house in Bukchon Hanok Village, one of the oldest urban neighborhoods in Seoul, South Korea. It's more than 600 years old!
Notice the watermelon flying overhead? Where else can you find a watermelon on the walls of Archamelia™?

Once you have located all 6 plants around the Front Door, identify them by name, and their native location.
BONUS CHALLENGE: What do these 6 plants have in common? Best of luck solving this one!
There are seven 7's hiding around the Front Door. Make a wish, then find them all, and your wish will come true!
People forget about me. "You're just a snailman!" But, Imagine a world without me! Tell my story.
Why do you think the crayon has that specific name for a color?

Write a story about me and that piece of cheese over there, hiding underneath the shingle in this house of cards!
What's missing?! There are 5 missing cards. One entire "crazy" set, and one more rogue card. Figure out the missing card.
Do you have a deck of cards? Learn these games and start a family card night! Or these magic tricks to impress the family at the next holiday gathering.
Create your own deck of cards! Collect a bunch of images from magazines and photographs and collage them to a piece of paper. Do this on 3 pages, covering the ENTIRE page each time.
Lay clear tape across ALL of the images. After, cut each page into 5 equal strips horizontally and vertically (about 1.7" x 2.2")
Now that you have a laminated collage deck of your favorite things, draw each of the cards on the flip side, from 2-10, J, Q, K, and A. Make sure to establish 4 different suits. Use the 3rd sheet for back-up in case you make mistakes.
Show a friend you care by making them a set too!

Flip the lid of your Archamelia™ to reveal the rooftop solar garden. Power your house and grow your own food!
Locate all the objects listed below!
Look closely, they can be anywhere!
elephant x 3
pumpkin x 3
tomato plants
Venus fly traps
solar power flower x 4

The solar garden tree can be seen elsewhere in Archamelia™. Where? Have you ever painted with watercolors?
The image in the background of the solar garden is taken of Pasadena, California. This is where the inventor of Archamelia™ would go to think creatively.
Build your own collage. Visit your favorite, most creative places. Take a thoughtful photo at the "right" time of day of each place. Print those photos and use them as a backdrop for your collage.
Complete the collage with additional images. These can come from magazines, photos or drawings. Cover the backdrops with all the things that make you feel confident, creative and silly.
Place your Creativity Collage near your desk. Whenever you feel tired, look at the images and remember what they mean to you. Surrounding yourself with beautiful and meaningful images helps cultivate inspiration.

We are the SoFlyTraps, and we love singing in harmony. Write a story about our band, and the latest song we've sung.

Urban Farming rocks! DYK we "invented" agriculture 7,000 years ago?! Put some holes in an old dresser drawer, fill it with soil and seeds, water...and GROW!
Weird! Some plants eat insects?! Yup! There are 3 types of Insectivorous Plants: Active, Semi-Active, and Passive Traps.
The solar garden has Dionaea muscipula. But it has a much more recognizable name. HINT: It's also a planet.
Is this plant Active, Semi-Active, or Passive?

This hippo was made with a single piece of faux-leather by using a thoughtful series of folds and cuts.
Here are a bunch of animals you can make on your own, with just a square piece of paper. Create them all and invite them into your next storied adventure!
You can also make animal friends with hand towels! Build some of these animals and stack them around Archamelia™ as giants in the land of Imagistoria!
Ever notice how the sun and moon appear larger when they are lower on the horizon? Learn about the Ebbinghaus illusion to understand why.
Find your next full moon here. Just plug in the name of your city. On that night, observe the full moon when it's low on the horizon. Cut a piece of paper the same size when held at arm's distance.
Wait one hour, for the moon to change locations higher in the sky. Check it again! First, does the moon appear smaller than it was? Now check it with your piece of paper at arm's length. Is it the same size?

Build a penny path! Lay your Archamelia™ on its "back" so that the unfolded roof rests along the ground. Then lay a handful of pennies in a path on the table.
Let your figurines skip and hop from penny to penny in and around the solar garden.

Fold the door into a bench, turn the floaty into a cushion, and you have a throne fit for a “natural” ruler.
Locate all the objects listed below!
Look closely, they can be anywhere!
butterfly wings
DNA strand
fern bud x 2
snake skin
top hat
unicorn horn
wind blowing
golden cord
maple leaf
palm fronds
paper straw
seahorse x 2
The throne is made of natural elements, including plants, fruits, animals and elements. On a piece of paper, use 3-5 words to describe features of each of these elements.
Afterward, circle the words that are used more than once. These are the qualities that are shared across these items. Guess what
they ALL have in common? Answer further below.
Transformation is a part of nature. Just like caterpillars transform into butterflies, Archamelia™ transforms into many new playsets. Complete the following visual transformations in the throne:
The umbrella staff becomes a _____________.
The sand bucket transforms into a _____________.
The river floaty turns into a _____________.
The throne captures elements of the plant and animal kingdoms. On the centerpiece of the throne is a beetle. Identify this crowning creature?
Once you figure it out, learn about its life cycle. It goes through four different transformational stages throughout its life!
With paper and colored pencil, draw out the lifecycle of the jewel beetle, including the environment that supports each one of these stages.
Use construction paper to make small models of each stage.

Make up a story that tells how I got this beautiful metallic shell.

Learn about Leonardo Pisano Bigollo. What makes him famous?
That's right! He helped us understand the Fibonacci sequence. And that's what all the elements of the Throne have in common. Can you find the Fibonacci sequence in each of the elements?
Create your own Fibonacci spiral. You'll need some paper, a string, a pencil or pen, tape/glue, scissors, and craft supplies.
Cut out squares at the follow dimensions:
Tie a string to a pencil. On the largest square, hold the string firmly in one corner so that the pencil touches the next corner. Carefully draw an arc from one corner to the opposite.
Repeat this for all 6 squares (even the tiniest one!)
Lay the squares out in a spiral by first placing the smallest square on the table with the next larger square below so that the two arcs turn into one.
Take the third square, and place it to the left of the second, continuing the path of the arc.
Take the fourth square, and place it above the third.
Take the fifth square and place it to the right of the fourth.
You just made a Fibonacci spiral!

The Fibonacci numbers are easy to remember. Learn more about them. That's how we get the "golden ratio," aka phi. And this is just the beginning. Research how often phi shows up in nature.
Now that you know about Fibonacci numbers, start looking at the world around. How many examples of it can you find right under your nose?!

Let's tell a funny story with all the characters of the throne!
Let's learn about the color purple! Why is it commonly associated with royalty? Maybe because it's so rare in nature?
Put on your Investigator hat and search for clues. HINT: It has something to do with a snail...
RAINBOW NOODLES! Have you ever tried to make dyes at home? Let's try it in the kitchen! Boil some shredded cabbage for 15 minutes. Strain the cabbage out and set the colored water aside in three different bowls.
At the same time, cook some spaghetti noodles for 2 minutes shorter than usual. Strain them and set them aside too.
Evenly distribute the noodles between the three bowls of purple water. Add 1/2 tsp of baking soda to one bowl. And squeeze lime into another. Stir and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
What color noodles did you make?!

Place your Archamelia™ on butcher paper. Unfold the throne to reveal the Lazy River. With crayons, extend the river onto the paper, winding all about! Add trees and other features (even a buried island treasure!). Let the tropical adventure unfold!

Look! There's a message in that bottle! Open it up, what's it say? Create your own. Draw an encouraging message, roll it up and slip it inside of a clear glass bottle. Leave the bottle somewhere visible, like on a picnic table in the park. Wonder who will read your message, and what impact it might have?!
There are three differences in the Throne when it is folded up and when it is laid flat. What are the three differences?
Ever wonder how antlers grow? Did you know they have fur in the beginning? And that they fall off every year, to grow anew again? Look online for more fun facts about antlers.
Inside Archamelia™, on the walls are instructions to fold this boat. Next time there is a rainstorm, race your boat with your friends in the neighborhood gutter.

Inside Archamelia is a hive of activity as everyone prepares for the party. Flip the roof open, unfold the stairs, and join the pre-party fun!
Locate all the objects listed below! Look closely!
air balloon x 10
aluminum goose x 3
balloon maker
birds on a wire
box x 2
call bell
chandelier x 3
cloud x 6
compass x 2
copper hand
electric eel x 2
falling water balloon x 5
giant toes
grapefruit slice
koi fish
periodic table
ray of light
red hoodie
sock x 4
toggle switch
towel hook
wind sock
light-up arrow
lillies x 2
open sign
party paint

We're Ollie and Fiddles. Tell the story about how we became BFFs.
Having a really fun time is sometimes called "Painting the town!" That's why the fox is painting the staircase red.
For fancy parties, the hosts will send out invitations with something called an RSVP. What is an RSVP?
Make an RSVP to your event. Share it with your guests.
Include date and time.
Draw your spirit animal and color it in. Cut it out and add it to the stairs!
The Archamelia™ staircase is inspired by an architectural style called Art Nouveau. Learn more about it.
Check out this famous staircase designed by Victor Horta, who was well-known during this time period.
Get ready to host your own party in your Archamelia™. Use cardboard, paper, glue, tape and other craft supplies to build tables and chairs.
Set up Archamelia™ next to your bed so your blanket hangs down to become the back curtains for the event.
Everyone has a spirit animal! What's yours? The two animals on the stairs represent the Inventor and the Illustrator. One is an otter, the other is a fox.
Learn more about these animals. Do you think otters and foxes can be best friends?
Have you ever heard of "Peopling?" Well, you know what fishing is: It's when people sit in a boat on the water to catch fish.
Peopling is when fish sit in a boat under the water to catch... people! Check through the window to see a silly fish peopling right now!
Think of day-to-day activities you do, the ones that are SUPER boring, and try doing them upside down. Or inside out? Or rightside left? Or frontside back?
Bioluminescence is a long word. It's also a very beautiful phenomenon that happens throughout nature. What are different organisms that glow, or make light? Some fly, some crawl, some grow from felled trees. And a lot of them live underwater. Happy hunting!

Write a funny story about my peopling adventures!

Have you read "The First Door?" If so, do you recognize some of the artwork hanging on the wall?
Hanging on the wall is something called the periodic table. After you've learned about it, identify and find the following elements in your house: Ni, Cu, Ar, K, Na, Sn, Ag, F, Al, O, and Ca.
Have you ever lined up dominoes to then knock them all down? Some people use more than 35,000 dominoes! Create your own! If you don't have dominoes, what else can you use? Books? VHS cassettes? Cut pieces of wood?
Set up your dominoes to snake in and around your Archamelia.
How do you suppose the balloon maker works? Use your imagination to draw a diagram that explains it. Imagine how the floor spirals with electricity to reveal each balloon. Are the balloons filled with hot air? Or something else?!
In the Dancehall, there's a silly interpretation of the fresh water cycle on Earth. Water falls as drops from the clouds, and rises again as a gas. Learn more about the water cycle.
Learn more about perspective in drawing. It's how we make things on flat, 2-dimensional surfaces like paper appear to have depth, like 3-dimensional objects.
If you look at the interior of the Dancehall from the right angle, the back wall appears to extend directly to either side, even though the walls of the toy make a 90º angle.
There are origami instructions inside the house, lining the walls on each side. One set teaches you how to make a boat (the same one used by the fish), while the other teachers you how to make the box (used by the goat). Make your own!
Find where else those origami boxes appear in Archamelia™.

You can pretend that the window behind the platypus is the same window as at the top of exterior Rocket.
The interior sheet with the jellyfish can still be seen when your Archamelia™ is in Shipboat mode. The Shipboat has two sails!
When you tip the house into Shipboat mode, the whale that was once floating above the stairs now appears to be swimming through water behind it.
The platypus isn't standing on the floor, it's standing on the waves! Everything above is air, while everything below is water!
Draw and color a favorite object in a space about 1.5" by 1.5". Carefully cut it out and tape it to the bottom shelf of Billy the Goat's Coat Check.
Next time you have a piece of chocolate or chewing gum, save the aluminum wrapper! Use it to make geese like the ones flying through the Dancehall. There's no right or wrong, only your imagination!
If you have a magnifying glass, you can use it to focus the sunlight onto a small leaf and burn a little hole into its surface.
Make a light maze! With some small mirrors and a flashlight, you can bend light around corners!

Catapults are exciting! They are also very old inventions. After you learn a little more about catapults, you can make your own, similar to the one used by the dominoes.
All you need are:
6 Popsicle sticks
4 rubber bands
a bottle cap
hot glue
cotton balls